Sunday, January 28, 2007

Those Unrepeatable College Nights

The events that occurred last night are so perfect in their uniqueness and beauty and I am almost tempted not to write about it, lest words are entirely incapable of describing it.

It all really started at Tom/Lee/Andrew's apartment because Lee needed to photocopy my Womens Studies readings. A few hits off the bong later, I felt as though I had been catapoulted too the 1960s-- Janis Joplin was crying, screaming, beautifying through the record player-- yes, record player. That moment, in itself, was a mental photograph I will retain for a long time.

Tom came home and we went to an incredible restaurant in German Village called Barcelona. So often, Columbus restaurants wear their inferiority complexes on their sleeves (by inferiority complex I mean inferior to bigger city restaurants), but this was a truly authentic fine dining experience. Bottom line: great restaurant. I had an espresso crusted was cooked to perfection. The decor, the service, it was all impeccable. Highly recommended and extremely delicious.

We went to Kristen's and then to a party on Woodruff which was surprisingly fun. For all intents and purposes, I wasn't even drunk. We shook our shit like nobody's business, and confronted an intensely homophobic frat boy. It was a such an OSU night but it was solid. A lot of fun. Recruited some more monopoly players.

After the party, one of the most beautiful moments in college thus far...

Tom and I came back to my apartment at two-thirty-ish. Lit the hookah and just talked and talked till four am. Oasis rolling off the speakers, smoke pouring out of our mouths, and secrets, confessions, inner most dark places raining out of our minds. It was so beautiful, a lot of love was shared in my dining room last night.

In college, in the absence of family, your friends take an entirely new role in your life. Your friends become your family. I felt that last night, I felt it a lot.

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